RAS-Targeted Therapies Searchlight

Searchlight_RAS Targeted Therapies

A Private Network for RAS Drug Developers

Designed by RAS Drug Developers

The once undruggable RAS family of proteins is no longer impossible to crack. But while the future looks bright, significant challenges remain.

Some of those challenges require us to focus on finding breakthroughs in isolation. But there are many other problems where we could save valuable time and resources by solving them together. 

RAS-Targeted Therapies: Searchlight is a unique network of senior RAS specialists who engage in a year-round collective effort to solve shared discovery challenges for the benefit of our teams, companies, and patients. With a continuous flow of timely insights and valuable experiences that will shape the RAS field, the goal of the network is simple: to help overcome shared discovery challenges, get to development faster, and map out a more robust clinical plan. 

Join RAS-Targeted Therapies: Searchlighttoday to access vital new thinking, identify critical strategies, and avoid costly mistakes in RAS-targeted drug development.


Core Founder Partners

Revolution Medicines Logo
Biotheryx logo

Key Challenges Being Addressed

  • Patient advocacy relationships and the enrolment of patients into clinical trials
  • New compounds and combinations of animal models and their effects on clinical development ?
  • Accessing better FDA biomarkers feedback to accelerate drug development
  • Protein degradation landscape against RAS pathway targets
  • Biology of pathways, possible combinations and new mechanisms

Benefits of Membership


Find out what didn’t work as well as what did, through the regular exchange of experiences and best practice.


Get insights from and make connections with a dozen other companies working to solve the same pre-competitive challenges you face throughout the year


Utilize a diverse group of RAS specialists with valuable experience to validate and improve your decision making.

Inquire About Membership

Interested in RAS-Targeted Drug Development Searchlight membership?

Complete the register interest form or schedule a call with Maia, the network enrolment manager, who would be delighted to discuss getting you, and your team, involved.

Schedule a call here.

Discover More About Searchlight by Hanson Wade


Searchlight by Hanson Wade

Searchlight, by Hanson Wade, are expert networks where group members regularly unite around highly specialized content areas and gain access to exclusive KOL networks to overcome shared drug development challenges.