“This summit provides an excellent platform for networking and scientific exchange to help advance our understanding of how best to tackle RAS-driven malignancies.”

“Resistance and non-responses are still a common occurrence in clinics and a continued understanding of how to treat KRAS mutant tumors is still needed. This meeting gathers all the KRAS leaders in the field to figure out how to continue to combat this ever-changing complex problem.”
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals

“The RAS-Targeted Drug Development Summit is the premiere meeting bringing together academic and industry partners with the ultimate goal of identifying how to effectively deploy RAS-targeted therapies to the patients in desperate need of these therapies. Taking part in this symposium will increase opportunities for networking and collaborations with both academic and industry partners thereby enhancing our own research program on RAS-targeted therapies and lending our expertise to other researchers.”
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

“Targeting the RAS oncoprotein family is one of the hottest areas in drug discovery, and this timely conference will bring together leaders in the field to discuss current and future prospects for developing these innovative new therapies for cancer.”
Ranok Therapeutics